They feared both the difficulties of defending those Turkish territories in Asia and the danger of future attack from Bulgaria in Europe.(O baby looney toons games online.2, 3, 4, 6.The proposal took cognizance of Balkan difficulties and might perhaps have solved them, had it been accepted an advance of the Greek army on Thrace, combined with a naval attack by the British Fleet, early in baby looney toons games online September, might have settled Turkey, secured Bulgaria's neutrality, if not indeed her co operation, or forced her into a premature declaration of hostility, and decided Rumania to throw in her lot with us.The Bucharest Government was accordingly sounded, and returned an answer too evasive to justify reliance on its co operation.If Greece ranged herself by Servia's side as baby looney toons games online her ally, the Entente Powers would willingly accord her very important territorial concessions on the Asia Minor Coast.As a matter of fact, neither the King nor his General Staff approved of M.Naoum, Sofia, 31 baby looney toons games online July, 11, 20, 23 Aug.He calculated that the surface of this territory exceeds 125,000 (the figure was soon raised to 140,000) square kilometres, while the area to be ceded in Macedonia did not exceed 2,000 square kilometres, and that loss would be further halved by the acquisition from Servia of the Doiran Ghevgheli district, which covered some 1,000 square kilometres.Venizelos for the baby looney toons games online King's dispatch is but a summary of an identical declaration made by M.In short, they held that Greece by embarking on what they aptly termed a Colonial policy would be undertaking responsibilities wholly incommensurate with her resources.Even if the attack came from Bulgaria alone, he added, the Greek army needed three weeks to concentrate at Salonica baby looney toons games online and another month to reach the theatre of the Austro Servian conflict, and in that interval the Bulgarian army, invading Servia, would render impossible all contact between the Greek and Servian armies.But neither Serbs nor Greeks would think of such a thing.
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