And here, he finished resolutely, are my own fiance's thoughts concerning me.But you've got an 'imagination' for this make believe girl heaven help you! and an 'imagination' is a great, wild, seething, insatiate tongue of fire that, thwarted once and for all in its original desire to gorge itself with realities, will turn upon you body and soul, and lick up dawson james astm your crackling fancy like so much kindling wood and sear your common sense, and scorch your young wife's happiness.Oh, Thunder! growled Stanton.The crazy magic of it dawson james astm has surely then taken possession of you too.There never yet was the ghost of any lost thing that couldn't be tamed into a purring household pet.Why, Beloved, dawson james astm if Here! cried Stanton suddenly reaching out and grabbing the letter.Peremptorily he reached out both hands towards the box.You've got an 'affection' for Cornelia, and wherever Cornelia fails to feed that affection it is mercifully ordained that the starved flame shall go dawson james astm out into cold gray ashes without making any further trouble whatsoever.Aloud? gasped the Doctor.Would you? In the sharp eagerness of her dawson james astm question she turned her shrouded face full view to Stanton's curious gaze, and he saw the little nervous, mischievous twitch of her lips at the edge of her masking pink veil resolve itself suddenly into a whimper of real pain.