As I entered the beautiful village of Ed Damur, one of the most prosperous and enchanting places on earth, I saw entire regiments of Turkish troops encamped in and about the village.This pillage continued until the locusts came Fewzi, in the mean while, becoming so bold that he would gallop through the streets of our village with his horsemen, shooting right and left into the air and architect of circumstance insulting old men and women.The truth is that a beautiful province of about four thousand square miles bears that name.All that night I architect of circumstance racked my brain for a solution.While I was watering my horse, I tried to ask questions from a few inhabitants.Captain Decker was interested in what I had to architect of circumstance say, and at his request I dictated my story to his stenographer.From this document I was determined not to part.Up to the very moment when architect of circumstance they set foot on the friendly warships they were robbed and horribly abused by the Jaffa boatmen.My fair hair and complexion and my khaki costume made them take me for a German, and they barely answered me, but when I addressed them in French their faces lit up.Before long he persuaded the Druse chieftains to address a petition to England asking for architect of circumstance British protection.It is very unfortunate that the policy of Sir Richard Wood was not carried out by his nation.
Architect of circumstance
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