Is Mr.Yes, said the boy, who stood with a broom in his hand, with which he was sweeping out the store, yes, it is about five miles from here, right on the way you enchanting sweet peas are going.So Josey crept down into the bottom of the sleigh, and Jonas covered him up and he found his place very warm and comfortable.It was a very enchanting sweet peas pleasant morning.Edwards resumed the conversation, as follows Well, Jonas, said he, I have been thinking of this a little, and have concluded to let you keep the dog for me a little while, that is, if he is willing to go with you.I can't drive him away enchanting sweet peas from his old home.Jonas thanked the boy, got into his sleigh, and rode on.The girl, enchanting sweet peas too, looked surprised.Edwards took his hat, and followed him to the door, to see whether the dog would go willingly.I wonder if he would answer, enchanting sweet peas if I should call him Ney.