They had laid in quite a store of game, which the cold weather preserved, and there was enough more within their reach.They had been compelled to stop at noonday to boat link rec war refresh the animals.The animals were also very poor, though enough of dry and scanty grass was found to keep them alive.His perfect health and temperate habits caused boat link rec war a cure, which seemed almost miraculous.On one of the gorgeous days of the Indian summer, the encampment presented a spectacle of beauty which even to these rude men was enchanting.A large fire was boat link rec war built.' He is kind hearted and averse to all quarrelsome and turbulent scenes, and has never been engaged in any mere personal broils or encounters, except on one single occasion, which he sometimes modestly describes to his friends.He has boat link rec war a large and finely developed head, a twinkling grey eye, and hair of a sandy color which he wears combed back.I am going into the bush to cut some rods and I'll switch every one of them.But there was another boat link rec war report, almost simultaneous with that from Carson's gun.The pure mountain stream supplied them with their health giving beverage.