The ice was rugged, covered with soft snow, which masked treacherous pitfalls, and full of chasms which had to be bridged.A most extraordinary record of daring lcd monitor guidelines and suffering in Arctic exploration was made by Charles F.Against an attack of this sort it was, of course, futile for the General Armstrong to attempt to offer defense, and accordingly Captain Reid landed his men with their personal effects, and soon after the British began fire in the morning, scuttled the ship and abandoned her.His name will live, however, in the annals of the Arctic, for his contributions to geographical lcd monitor guidelines knowledge were many and precious.The explanation was not even plausible, for the British commander, elsewhere in his report, acknowledged that he was perfectly informed as to the identity of the vessel, and even had this not been the case, it is not customary to send four boats heavily laden with armed men, merely to discover the character of a ship in a friendly port.Five sleds and three boats were dragged by almost superhuman exertions, the sick feebly aiding the sturdy in lcd monitor guidelines the work.Mastering all the literature of the Arctic, he determined to undertake himself the arduous work of the explorer.Resignation took the place lcd monitor guidelines of determination.The British report showed, that in these two attacks there were about one hundred and forty of the enemy killed, and one hundred and thirty wounded.After him it was abandoned, and geographical research, and the struggle to reach the pole, lcd monitor guidelines became the motives that took men into the Arctic.
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