I suppose I can do no more for you than to secure your retreat.It is my part to press cooper hewitt museum shop this upon your majesty, being upon the very theatre of war.When the sun went down over this field of blood, after twelve hours of the most frightful carnage, a scene was presented horrid enough to appall the heart of a demon.The conditions were immediately signed, and a suspension of arms was agreed upon, until an answer could cooper hewitt museum shop be received from Vienna.It was of the utmost moment that this body should be prevented from combining with the other vast forces of the Austrians.Napoleon, with intense solicitude, was watching every movement of his foe, knowing not upon what point cooper hewitt museum shop the onset would fall.Bells rung, cannon thundered, bonfires and illuminations blazed, rockets and fire works, in meteoric splendor filled the air, bands of music poured forth their exuberant strains, and united Paris, thronging the garden of the Tuileries and flooding back into the Elysian Fields, rent the heavens with deafening shouts of exultation.He was nobly seconded by those generals whom his genius had cooper hewitt museum shop chosen and created.It is impossible to describe the dismay, which pervaded the camp of the Austrians after this terrible defeat.The consolidation of democratic power in France was dangerous to king and to cooper hewitt museum shop noble.He had surrounded the Austrian hosts, though they were doubled his numbers, with a net through which they could not break.With pins, whose heads were tipped with red and black sealing wax, to represent the French and Austrian cooper hewitt museum shop forces, Napoleon was studying all the possible combinations and evolutions of the two hostile armies.I think, Bourrienne rejoined, that you have already done enough to secure a long and lasting fame.The Austrians offered to abandon Italy, cooper hewitt museum shop if the generosity of the victor would grant them the boon of not being made prisoners of war.The heavy and uninterrupted roar, proclaimed a pitched battle, and he was alarmed for his beloved chief.