He learned the use of tools, too, practically, in a shop which had been provided for the boys as a place for play and the wheelbarrow with which he worked in making the fortification was one which he had constructed with his own hands.On one occasion, when Peter was dining at the embassador's as it seems he was sometimes accustomed to do he took lure weeping willow notice of Le Fort, who was present as one of the party, on account of his prepossessing appearance and agreeable manners.Le Fort then went about among the strangers and foreigners at Moscow, both those connected with the embassadors and others, to find men that were in some degree acquainted with the drill and tactics of the western armies, who were willing to serve in the company that he was about to organize.The embassador was attended with a train of twenty one persons, who went with him in the capacity of secretaries, interpreters, legal councilors, and the like, besides a large number of servants and followers to wait upon the gentlemen of the party, and to convey and take lure weeping willow care of the baggage.From time to time there were great dissensions among these men.The Czar was very much pleased with the modesty of the young gentleman's behavior and, after finishing the conversation with the embassador, without, however, having asked him to release Le Fort from his service, he returned lure weeping willow to the part of the room where Le Fort was, and presently asked him to bring him a glass of wine.Such was Peter's position.He lure weeping willow went about Moscow to all the different merchants to procure the materials necessary for many of these materials were such as were not much in use in Moscow, and so it was not easy to procure them in sufficient quantities to make the number of suits that Le Fort required.It is said that Peter, passing along the street one day, stopped to listen to Menzikoff as he was singing a song or telling a story to a crowd of listeners.It was to this effect, namely, That he was ordered to go to Karga, a town under the pole, there to remain, as long as he lived, in disgrace with his majesty, who had, nevertheless, of his great lure weeping willow goodness, allowed him threepence a day for his subsistence but that his justice had ordained all his goods to be forfeited to his treasury.Peter was very much pleased with both these answers of Le Fort the one showing his scrupulous fidelity to his engagements in not being willing to leave one service for another, however advantageous to himself the change might be, until he was honorably released by his first employer, and the other marking the delicacy of mind which prompted him to wish not to take any part in the conversation between the emperor and the embassador respecting himself, as his office of interpreter would naturally lead him to do, but to prefer that the communication should be made through an indifferent person, in order that the embassador might be perfectly free to express his real opinion without any reserve.When Peter first found himself nominally in possession of the supreme power, after the fall of the Princess Sophia, he was very young, and the administration of the government was really in the hands of different nobles and officers of lure weeping willow state, who managed affairs in his name.