Yet, gross and studied and systematic as this misrepresentation is, I should have passed it over in silence, precisely as I did pass over a similar attack by Dr.In the present castle haunted most nc case, I deny that Dr.Royce was reviewing.Royce had castle haunted most nc ever done any hard thinking on the theory of universals, or if he had the slightest comprehension of the problems it involves, he would never have been so rash as to charge me with borrowing my theory from Hegel, and thus to commit himself irrevocably to a defence of the absurd but eagerness to accuse another has betrayed him into a position whence it is impossible for him to escape with honor.I deny that I ever made the philosophical pretensions which castle haunted most nc.From this, as is well known, I never shrank in the least on the contrary, I court it, and desire nothing better for my books, provided only that the criticism be pertinent, intelligent, and fair.Yet this is precisely castle haunted most nc what Dr.Hence the importance of the careful way of thinking in philosophy.Royce with castle haunted most nc that right.
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