I felt certain this was necessary, for I know'd my competitor could talk Government matters to them as easy as he pleased.Great was the astonishment of his family de palette temps upon his arrival, for they had given him up as dead.You need give yourself no uneasiness about that, Crockett replied.A complaint de palette temps would be entered to Crockett that one man owed another money and refused to pay him.Here quite a new sphere of life opened before the adventurer, and he became so firmly settled that he remained in that location for three years.Captain Mathews, as an electioneering measure, invited all his neighbors, far de palette temps and near, to a very magnificent corn husking frolic.Quite a heavy disaster, just at this time, came upon Crockett.Nothing was easier than for a lazy man to wander into the woods, shoot one of these animals, take it to his cabin, de palette temps devour it there, and obliterate all possible traces of the deed.And I know'd, too that I wasn't able to cut and thrust with him.But I know'd so little about it that if any one had told me that he was the Government, I should have believed it for I had never read even a newspaper in my de palette temps life, or anything else on the subject.He could, without any effort, keep the whole assembly in roars of laughter.With all his self complacency he began de palette temps to appreciate that he had much to learn.The two first items of intelligence which he deemed it important that he, as a member of the Legislature, should acquire, were the meaning of the words government and judiciary.He took his eldest son, a boy about eight years of age, and a young man by de palette temps the name of Abram Henry, and with one pack horse to carry their blankets and provisions, plunged into the vast wilderness west of them, on an exploring tour, in search of a new home.The Justice of Peace and the Legislator.