Many of the nobles threw themselves at the feet of the tzar and entreated him not to assent to so disgraceful a treaty, assuring him that the whole nation were ready at his call to rise and drive the invaders from the empire.His box light xray object was to regain those territories which the tzar had heretofore wrested from the Poles.War with Poland seems to have been the chronic state of Russia.They rapidly traversed the southern provinces, trampling down all box light xray opposition until they reached the Oka.Still his refusal was not so decisive as to exclude all room for further entreaties.He never recovered box light xray from the effects.His fingers were laden with the most precious gems the Indies could afford.Again the Russians were overpowered, and box light xray the Tartars, trampling them beneath their horses' hoofs, with yells of triumph, pressed on towards the metropolis.Riga, on the Dwina, soon fell into the hands of the Poles, and their banners were resistlessly on the advance.In the year 1571, a Russian army pursued a discomfited band of Livonian insurgents across the frontier into box light xray Poland.Ivan was naturally of a very hasty temper, which was nurtured by the cruel and shameful neglect of his early years.Thousands box light xray perished in the flames.He requested a day's time to consider their proposal.No mention whatever was made of Sweden in box light xray this treaty.